Wednesday, 5 September 2018

A different but abundant place to find metal to lift to

Firstly, to all of you I would like to apologise for my absence but as I am sure you can understand I lead a very busy life and I never want to post just for the sake of frequency. However, evidently I am back now and I will be sharing with you all some music from the best two player games on PlayStation 2 for late 90's babies, "WWE Smackdown Vs Raw".

Personally, I have never been a fan of wrestling in any capacity. However, about a year back, it dawned on me that some of the music I had heard whilst playing old "WWE smackdown vs Raw" games with my brothers in my young adolescence were actually very good shouts for resistance training, but more broadly speaking, simply summoning adrenaline. Thus, as always and without further ado, I shall share a few of these with you all. However, I feel that any description I may give alongside would be unnecessary and boring so this post will simply include the videos/pictures and the artist, track name, and the wrestler with whom i associate them. Furthermore, there will be no countdown as these will be presented in no particular order. I hope you all enjoy!

"I walk alone" by Saliva (Batista) 

"This fire burns" by Killswitch engage (CM Punk)

"Rollin" by Limp Bizkit (Undertaker)

"Animal I have become" by Three days Grace (Soundtrack)

I hope you enjoyed this list and I hope it rekindled some memories and nostalgia for a fair portion of you. As always I am very grateful for your support and thank you for your time wherever you may be. Be lucky

*All images and music sourced from google and YouTube. I do not claim to own any rights