Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Fender 310-12 (Acoustic 12 string review)

The 310-12 is a 12 string acoustic guitar made by Fender. It is an older model of an acoustic 12 string, one of my dad's collection,  and one of only a few that Fender are known for. They are sold from new for anywhere from £200 all the way up to £400 online. They are a mid-range 12 string and produced by the ever-reliable Fender.

The 310-12 produces a clean and very bright sound. It gives the tone of similar style to folk music and sounds far fuller than even the best 6 string acoustics such as the likes of the Gibson J200 and the Tanglewood TW460. This is of course due to the 12 strings rather than the standard 6 and thus double the resonation. Furthermore, the harmonies that are produced by each pair of strings (which are an octave apart on the first 4 strings and in unison on the highest 2 strings) are far more diverse than than that of a standard 6 string acoustic guitar.


The 310-12 is not a particularly unique looking guitar. It has 12 tuning keys, a scratch plate, a bridge, and a nut the same as any other 12 string. The body is the classic hourglass acoustic shape but is of course a little larger than any 6 string. The only downfall of the 12 string design is that it would be far harder for any beginner to play than a 12 string due to double the resistance in the fretting and also the far wider neck than standard on any Fender.

Overall, the 310-12 is a well rounded and excellent 12 string which would suit intermediate players and even professional guitarists but is not appropriate for beginners.

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