As the festive season and my favourite time of year approaches and edges nearer and nearer, I am refraining from listening to Christmas music until December or at least until after my gorgeous girlfriend's 21st which is also coming up. However, some people complain about Christmas music, saying that it is cheesy and all sounds the same. Personally I enjoy all of that about Christmas music, despite being a fan or metal and grunge, but in order for everyone to get the most out of the season and prepare for the most wonderful time of the year I thought that I would list 3 Christmas songs in no particular order that are by or covered by rock musicians. And without any further digression, here they are:
1) "Christmas Time (Don't let the bells end)" The Darkness
I know The Darkness are a postmodern band and are not everybody's cup of tea and that is fine. However, their contribution to Christmas is too good to miss. It is cheesy and catchy and comes with an equally corny music video but if you can be cheesy at Christmas then whats the point of all the decor and festivities?
2) "Please come home for Christmas" Jon Bon Jovi
This is a festive song by none other than the one and only Jon Bon Jovi, the king of hair and 80's soft rock bands in my opinion. It is also a song that is easy to relate to if you have ever had to spend Christmas or part of the festive season away from loved ones. It contains Bon Jovi's classically pharyngeal voice along with a traditional Bon Jovi ballad tempo. It is a banger of a song and one that you should definitely give a try as we approach the season of peace on earth and good will to all men.
3) "Blue Christmas" Elvis Presley
If the King sings about Christmas and you don't feel the urge to join in then there may be something wrong with your ears. This is a song about missing loved ones at Christmas and another relevant message at the time of love and understanding. If you have the time, check out the mash up of Elvis Presley and Martina Mcbride on YouTube and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
So there we have it! Hopefully I have given you some information that you can use to immerse yourself in the festive season that is approaching so quickly and I hope that you are able to get as excited as me about Christmas. Hope you are well and as always, stay lucky and thank you for reading.
*All images sourced from google. I do not claim to own any rights.